WANTED: Rules for Initial Coin Offerings

Entrepreneurs see initial coin offerings (ICOs) as an easy way to quickly raise a lot of money with no strings attached. Some ICO investors’ greed has blinded them to the apparent risks. However, ICOs are an important new fundraising innovation that is appropriate for endeavors where the objective is to create value through decentralization. Although most ICO-funded projects will fail, the ones that don’t will have a more significant impact on our lives than the Web. Governments, particularly in the United States, have been slow to act. When they do, some entrepreneurs will find themselves in trouble, and many ICO investors will have already lost money. For important ICO-funded projects to flourish, we need ground rules. The Simple Agreement for Future Token Sales (SAFT) is the most significant industry initiative so far that tries to define those rules. … More WANTED: Rules for Initial Coin Offerings

Read “Introducing Ethereum and Solidity” to get your feet wet with smart contracts.

“Introducing Ethereum and Solidity: Foundations of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Programming for Beginners” is a light introduction to Ethereum and its built-in scripting language, Solidity. At 179 pages, this book is not a comprehensive tutorial about building decentralized apps (also called DAPPS). The book does, however, provide a very brief overview of developing and deploying smart contracts on Ethereum. … More Read “Introducing Ethereum and Solidity” to get your feet wet with smart contracts.

Presentation: Intro to Blockchain – And, by the way, what the heck is proof of work?

I gave a blockchain presentation to my meetup group, Western Massachusetts All Things Blockchain. It’s embedded in this post. You can also see it on Slideshare. Please feel free to download the following files: Php sample code that demonstrates POW concepts; Microsoft PowerPoint XML Presentation If you use any of my material, please give me an attribution. Thanks for having a look. … More Presentation: Intro to Blockchain – And, by the way, what the heck is proof of work?

“Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies” Will Teach You how Bitcoin Works

If you want to learn how Bitcoin works on a technical level, then read Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies. If you’re a nerd, you’ll love it. Princeton University hosts the book’s web page, which provides links to video lectures for each chapter. From that web page, you can also download Java programming assignments and a free pre-publication version of the book. Coursera has an online course (currently free) that’s based on the book. … More “Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies” Will Teach You how Bitcoin Works

BOOK REVIEW – Will the Blockchain Change the World?

The blockchain is the technology underlying the Bitcoin digital currency. It is a distributed ledger that you can use to record anything of value and importance. Renowned futurists Don and Alex Tapscott believe that the blockchain will have a greater impact on our lives than any other technology that exists today. … More BOOK REVIEW – Will the Blockchain Change the World?